Date | Type of award | Awards | Ministry in charge |
2024.11 | - | Selected as a leisure-friendly certified company | Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism |
2024.08 | Commendation from the Minister | Korea's Leading Exporter | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
2024.06 | - | Designated as an excellent company for employment(Busan) | Busan City |
2024.05 | - | Selected as a hidden champion by the Ministry of Labor | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2024.01 | - | DongHwa Pneutec, selected as a leading company(Busan) | Busan City |
2024.01 | - | Selected as a youth-friendly hidden champion by the Ministry of Labor | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2023.11 | - | FGSS, BOG Compressor was selected as a world class product by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
2023.01 | - | Advanced technology · Product confirmation | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
2023.01 | - | Selected as a youth-friendly hidden champion by the Ministry of Labor | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2022.12 | - | Selected as a youth-friendly hidden champion | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2022.12 | - | Certified as a family-friendly company | Ministry of Gender Equality and Family |
2022.11 | Commendation of the Mayor | Commendation for merit in work-life balance CEO sector | Busan City |
2022.09 | Commendation from the Prime Minister | Commendation of merit for the balanced development of local industries | Ministry of the Interior and Safety |
2022.02 | Commendation from the Minister | Commendation for merit in the development of shipbuilding and marine equipment industry | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
2022.01 | - | Selection of Youth-Friendly Small and Medium Enterprises (7 consecutive years) | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2022.01 | - | Selected as the best material parts equipment company | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
2021.12 | - | Selected as Material parts equipment core strategy technology | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
2021.11 | Commendation from the Minister | The world class product company(for more than 10 years) won a plaque of appreciation | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy & KOTRA |
2021.05 | - | Selected as a hidden champion by the Ministry of Labor | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2021.03 | - | Selected as a Energy-specialized company | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
2021.03 | - | Appointed as a G-PASS company (overseas procurement market entry company) | Public Procurement Service |
2020.12 | Commendation from the Minister | Received commendation for childcare meritorious | Ministry of Health and Welfare |
2020.01 | - | Selected as a youth-friendly hidden champion(5 years in a row) | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2019.12 | - | Certified as a family-friendly company (Since 2011,) | Ministry of Gender Equality and Family |
2019.11 | - | Received a Prize for an Exceptional Labor-Management Partnership | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2018.12 | - | Chosen as an excellent company for work -life balance | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2017.01 | - | Appointed as a strategic industry leading firm | Busan City |
2016.11 | - | Selected as a top 300 world class meritorious company | Small and Medium Business Administration |
2016.10 | Commendation from the Minister | Awarded the Prize for Korea-Japan Industry Cooperation | Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
2016.05 | - | Designated as an excellent company for employment (2012, 2016) | Busan City |
2016.03 | - | Appointed as a G-PASS company (overseas procurement market entry company) | Public Procurement Service |
2015.1 | - | Selected as a company for national merit for excellent capital goods development | President |
2015.03 | - | Appointed as a local Busan City company | Busan City |
2015.01 | - | Selected as a hidden champion | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2014.06 | - | Selected as a top 300 world class company | Small and Medium Business Administration |
2013.12 | - | Selected as a strategic industry leading company | Busan City |
2013.11 | - | Selected as a company with excellent quality competitiveness in the National Quality Competition for 11 consecutive years |
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy |
2012.11 | - | Selected as a company with excellent quality innovation activities | Ministry of Knowledge and Economy |
2010.06 | - | Designated as an excellent labor-management and culture company | Ministry of Employment and Labor |
2009.12 | Commendation from the Minister | Received a commendation from the Labor Minister in the labor-management mutually beneficial cooperation group sector |
Ministry of Labor |
2009.09 | - | Selected as the best HRD institution | Ministry of Labor |
2008.12 | Commendation of the Mayor | Received a prize at the Busan Export Awards | Busan City |
2008.04 | Presidential Citation | Received the Single PPM Presidential Prize | President |
2007.11 | - | Appointed as an advanced technology center (ATC) | Ministry of Knowledge and Economy |
2006.12 | - | Obtained the model SME entrepreneur membership | Small and Medium Business Administration |
2006.07 | - | Selected as an INNO-BIZ company | Small and Medium Business Administration |
2006.02 | Presidential Citation | Received a commendation for national education | President |
2004.11 | - | Selected as an excellent innovative company | Ministry of Commerce Industry and Energy |
2002.12 | Commendation from the Minister | Received the Excellent SME management innovative company | President |
2002.12 | Commendation from the Minister | Selected as an excellent company for new labor-management culture | Ministry of Labor |
2002.11 | Commendation of the Mayor | Awarded the Grand Prize in the Busan City Industrial Peace Awards | Busan City |
1996.05 | Medals of Honor | Won 'the 1st Ocean Day' Industrial Service Medal | President |